The video interviews of the Evolution in Computational Pangenomics School are now available on YouTube:

The video interviews of the Evolution in Computational Pangenomics School are now available on YouTube:
The video interviews of the Introduction To Pangenomics School are now available on YouTube Video recordings
Video lecture for Slovak high school students about sequencing and comparing SARS-Cov-2 genomes. The lecture was part of a summer school organized by Trojsten non-profit organization in July 2020. Video recordings (in slovak)
On January 22nd Paola Bonizzoni gave a talk at the NERD? meeting for female students at their last year of high school. Details follows in italian. L’ingegneria informatica è una materia creativa e interdisciplinare, che ha cambiato il mondo in ogni suo settore negli ultimi decenni,modificando radicalmente la nostra vita lavorativa e sociale. Eppure, le […]